About EverHome Columbia, Inc.
EverHome Columbia, Inc., in conjunction with Apollo Care LLC, has developed a Pilot Program funded by the Home for the Aged (HFA). The HFA was created in 1883 to provide a senior citizen residence in Hudson for elderly residents in need of assistance in their later years. Today, HFA has an opportunity to transform aging by helping to build a system that provides quality care to individuals in their own residences. The Pilot’s primary goal is to demonstrate the efficacy and cost savings of an integrated platform of products and services delivered to a diverse population of chronically ill individuals in Columbia County who want to age in place and receive care at home.
Guided by a team of Professional Care Coordinators and an Advisory Board comprised of stakeholders and essential representatives from Columbia County and New York State, is a program to provide virtual care in 400 homes throughout Columbia County. In partnership with the NYS Office of Aging, Social Services agencies, and emergency services, the Pilot will create “Virtual Homes for the Aged” that bring 21st Century care to the homes of elders in Columbia County, and beyond. The Pilot uses innovative technology, driven by a proprietary app being developed by VivaLynx, to transform each residence into a “virtual care home” to identify potential care crisis and will help to avert further avoidable deterioration of health, improving health care, communication and outcomes. Care coordination services delivered by our professional care coordinators enable the team to assess each individual’s needs, resources, and home environment, crafting a unique individual plan of care that integrates best-in-class technology with the necessary personal care.
Implementation of each care plan will be supervised and monitored by the care coordinators, including instruction of the home care technology. Care plans will be monitored through state-of-the-art technology, utilizing artificial intelligence to report, respond to and even identify changes in the condition of a consumer. The app being developed for the Pilot will also gather valuable data and facilitate communication among participants and their caregivers. Local providers and agencies will continue to supply the long-term services and support maximizing the value of available resources.